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+61 8 9235 4200

A priority on curriculum enrichment

Curriculum enrichment takes place every day within the classroom setting by the classroom teacher. Enrichment opportunities provide access to new and more challenging concepts or content, or alternatively provides for the revision of key concepts and skills.


In addition to our embedded classroom practices, we also offer a range of programs to enrich student learning.

Intervention Programs

In every class there is a wide scope of abilities, and classroom teachers gather data and evidence from each individual child to cater for their personal needs. The majority of interventions occur in classrooms on a daily basis, and are determined by the class teacher as new content and skills are introduced and covered. At a school level, we refer to these interventions as Tier 1 interventions.


Whole school data is also collected to enable us to track students across year level cohorts and classes. This allows us to make decisions about our intervention programs, and assist us to target our teaching to meet student requirements. Staff regularly analyse both individual class and whole school data to ensure we are addressing the diverse range of student needs.


This analysis is also used to target our Tier 2 and Tier 3 literacy and numeracy intervention programs. These programs have been carefully selected on educational research ensuring that we are targeting students at the right time and also targeting the right skills.

Extension Programs

Our aim at Sorrento Primary School is to develop highly knowledgeable, flexible and independent thinkers, and our classroom teachers are best placed to deliver the regular challenges and activities required to extend the learning of our students.


In addition to our everyday classroom programs, our extra-curricular extension programs offer opportunities for students to explore beyond the scope of the classroom. These programs are designed to broaden knowledge, understanding, skills and interests, and to cater for all intelligences. They are designed to be flexible, catering for individual needs, and take an inquiry approach to learning while still retaining core elements of explicit teaching.