+61 8 9235 4200

+61 8 9235 4200

Ensuring ICT Capabilities

At Sorrento Primary School, we use technology in the classroom to extend our opportunities. We use technology not to replace traditional methods, but to find entirely new ways to innovate, inspire and learn.


Our banks of iPads from Kindergarten to Year 4 ensures students have a grounding in ICT Capabilities, while our banks of laptops for Years 5 and 6 provide students with the grounding required before secondary studies.


ICT at Sorrento Primary

At Sorrento, we believe we have both a responsibility and an obligation to provide teaching and learning programs that embeds the use of ICT across all facets of the curriculum. This prepares students for the fast changing technological world that they are growing up in.


Every classroom is fitted with interactive whiteboards and full wireless connectivity, with student computers in all classrooms. Students have the opportunity to explore digital technologies using manipulative technology – such as our banks of robotic devices, wearable technologies and electronics kits, and access to two dedicated green-screen video-recording rooms in our middle primary and upper primary blocks, in addition to a 1 device:2 student ratio for iPads (Yrs1-4) and laptops (Yrs5-6).

Digital Care

Ensuring safe, ethical and responsible use of technology are integral parts of Sorrento’s ICT programs. We maintains rigorous and effective practices which aim to maximise the benefits of the Internet and ICT devices/equipment for student learning, while minimising and managing any risks.

Access to technology is essential if our children are to to take full advantage of the benefits offered by new forms of digital learning. Providing access to this technology also affords us the opportunity to set expectations with students around appropriate use of the internet and devices like mobile phones, tablets computers and iPads. We believe strongly in providing our students explicit instruction around the appropriate use of technology according to current community expectations.